If your teeth aren’t as straight as you’d like them to be, you might feel self-conscious and reluctant to smile in photographs or in public. Feeling under-confident about your smile might mean you don’t socialise as much as you’d like to or hold yourself back from opportunities you’d otherwise excel in.
Although there are lots of orthodontic treatments out there, you might understandably feel worried about having to wear visible braces for a long time. Here at Advance Dental Clinic, we provide the outstanding Six Month Smiles system. These braces are not only more discreet than traditional fixed braces, they can also straighten your teeth a lot faster too!
Speedy straightening
These braces work so quickly because they only focus on the teeth visible when you smile. These are known as the social 6 and are located at the front of your mouth. Focusing on these teeth significantly cuts treatment time because it doesn’t make any major changes to your bite, however you’ll still achieve amazing results and a super-straight smile.
The benefits of Six Month Smiles
Six Month Smiles braces are made of clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires, making them barely visible and much more discreet than the conventional fixed braces you might be used to seeing. They gently move the teeth into a straighter position in an average of six months, whereas traditional systems need to be worn for much longer, sometimes up to three years.
Not only are these innovative braces fast and discreet, they also use gentle forces to straighten the teeth, making them a more comfortable option than traditional systems.
It is these benefits that make Six Month Smiles one of Advance Dental Clinic’s most popular and effective orthodontic treatments.
Six Month Smiles at Advance Dental Clinic
Before we fit your braces, we’ll invite you to Advance Dental Clinic for a free consultation. Here we will listen to your concerns about your smile and you’ll have the chance to tell us what you’d like to change. We’ll carry out a full assessment of your teeth and explain the processes of all our brace systems before you make a concrete decision. If you do choose Six Month Smiles, we will then make impressions of teeth to help us create your bespoke braces.
Once your braces are ready, we’ll arrange an appointment to fit them and your journey toward straight teeth will begin! You’ll need to come for follow-up appointments at Advance every two to four weeks. This is simply so we can keep an eye on your progress and make gentle adjustments to make sure you can have a stunning, straight smile as soon as possible!
Learn more about the other cosmetic dentistry treatments including composite bonding in Essex.