Losing part of a tooth doesn’t mean you need to lose your confidence.

If you’ve chipped a tooth, would like to close gaps, or if your teeth look misshapen, it’s time to give your smile a boost with composite bonding at our Essex dental clinic.

Composite bonding is a quick and easy way to restore your natural teeth, without the need to resort to local anesthetic and lengthy, awkward procedures. At Advance Dental, our experienced dentists will use composite bonding to give you the smile you deserve in no time at all.

Composite bonding in Essex before


Composite bonding in Essex after


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What is composite bonding?

Cosmetic bonding uses a dental resin to fill in the gaps created by chipped or unusually-shaped teeth. It’s a speedy and convenient alternative to removing or replacing damaged teeth that are causing you trouble or making you feel self-conscious.

Like a sculptor creating a work of art, your dentist will craft bespoke composites that fit your natural teeth and your smile like a glove. Pretty soon, you’ll be showing off your new smile to all your friends and family.

Before composite bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


After composite bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


What are the benefits of composite bonding in Essex?

✅Make your teeth look brand new
✅No need to remove or replace entire teeth
✅Chips, cracks and clean breaks are all treatable
✅Can even be used to fill gaps between teeth
✅Restore your smile and your confidence fast

Book your appointment for cosmetic bonding in Essex with us today!

Before cosmetic bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Care


After cosmetic bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


How does the composite bonding process work?

Step 1:
Your dentist will examine your teeth and see where cosmetic bonding could be of use. Or, if you have a specific tooth you’d like to be treated, we’ll focus on that.

Step 2:
Your teeth and tooth surface is cleaned and isolated to ensure nothing gets in the way during the composite bonding process.

Step 3:
Once your teeth are clean, the dentist uses a special composite resin bonding material to restore and reshape your teeth in a way that looks natural and not over the top. Most people would never be able to tell the difference between composite resin and your real teeth.

Step 4:
Once the composite bonding resin is set, your dentist will add some finishing touches by polishing your new additions to match the rest of your teeth for a seamless smile. They’ll check your bite, too, to make sure everything feels natural.

Step 5:
Much like the hairdressers, your dentist will show you your cosmetic bonding work in a mirror, making sure you’re happy with the result.

And… that’s it! If you want to know more about the process, we’d be happy to talk you through it and answer any questions.

Before composite bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


After cosmetic bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


How does the composite bonding process work?

At Advance Dental Clinic in Essex, composite bonding treatment can be finished in a single visit.

No needless follow-ups, no more worrying about the way your teeth look.

Just one, quick, simple pain free service that gives you the smile you’ve been looking for in virtually no time at all. You can arrive for your treatment and leave to show off your new smile the very same day.

Before composite bonding in Essex Advance Dental Clinic


After composite bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic


How much does composite bonding cost?

This depends on how much work there is to be done. For example, you may only want to use composite bonding to improve the appearance of a single tooth. Or, you may wish to have a full row of visible teeth improved. Naturally, these will have different price points. At Advance Dental Clinic we charge per tooth as can be viewed on our fees page, we also have finance available for our composite bonding treatment to keep your treatment affordable. If you want to know more about the composite bonding cost at our Essex dental clinic, give us a call and we’ll put together a quote to match your needs.

Composite Bonding Essex - Advance Dental Clinic

Other services that could complement your composite bonding

Some Advance Dental patients use some of our other services alongside cosmetic bonding, to truly make the most of their smile:

Teeth straightening

If your teeth look a little crooked, why not speak with your dentist about teeth straightening services (like Invisalign) before your composite bonding? That way, your teeth will look uniform in more ways than one.

Teeth whitening

Once your teeth look and feel the way you want, you could give them an attractive pearly-white sheen with our teeth whitening, for a beautiful finishing touch.

Composite Bonding in Essex at Advance Dental Clinic

If you’re on the lookout for composite bonding in Essex, Advance Dental Clinic is the ideal place to perfect your smile and give yourself the confidence and happiness you’ve been missing.

Get in touch with the team today and see what composite bonding could do for you.

Composite Bonding Essex - Advance Dental Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

Is composite bonding painful?

Can I get composite bonding in Essex through the NHS?

What should I do after composite bonding?