How to avoid a Dental Nightmare Before Christmas

It only seems like yesterday that we were basking in the sunshine and revelling in unexpected football-related joy, but Christmas is creeping up at a rate of knots. In just a few weeks, many of us will be looking forward to taking time off and spending it with loved ones. Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, but what happens if dental nightmares spoil your plans? The last thing anybody wants is to be nursing toothache or painful gums instead of enjoying a festive feast. If you’re keen to keep your smile in check this winter, here are some tips:

Brushing and flossing

Good oral hygiene is the best weapon against unwanted dental issues, so make sure you set aside 2 minutes every morning and evening to brush and a few minutes to floss each day. Brushing and flossing remove bacteria and bits of food, which helps to prevent the formation of plaque. Plaque is the most common cause of gum disease and decay. A good daily oral hygiene routine will also help to prevent bad breath and keep your smile sparkling.

Book a dental check

If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last 6-9 months, now is the perfect time to call and book an appointment. Dental checks take a few minutes, they’re completely painless, and a trip to the dentist could enable you to enjoy Christmas without any worries about troublesome teeth.

Watch what you eat

Christmas is a time of indulgence. While it’s brilliant to stuff yourself with festive treats, spare a thought for your poor teeth. Nobody is saying that you can’t enjoy yourself at Christmas, but try and limit the damage to your smile by avoiding fizzy drinks, sticking to main meals, rather than grazing, and keeping an eye on how much sugar you consume.

If you need any more festive dental advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch!