How Advance Dental Clinic Can Help Eliminate Bad Breath

Are you struggling with bad breath? Do you feel self-conscious when you speak to people or have you noticed that you suffer at certain times of the day or after eating specific foods or drinks? Many people feel embarrassed about having bad breath, but we can assure you that you’ll be in safe hands. We understand that you might be apprehensive about coming to the dentist, but we can help eliminate the problem for good and we’re here to help you and make you feel more confident.

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is most commonly caused by bacteria, which release odorous gases when they feed. These bacteria tend to collect at the back of the tongue. It’s common for people who neglect oral hygiene to experience bad breath, but it can also be caused by smoking, taking some types of medication and eating strongly-flavoured foods.

If poor oral hygiene is to blame, we can provide cleaning treatments and offer advice to help you improve your oral care at home. We can also offer assistance if you’re trying to give up smoking.

How we can help

Cleaning treatments are often the most effective solution for bad breath. We can offer much more powerful cleaning techniques than brushing at home and this enables us to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar. Our dentists may advise you to schedule regular appointments with a dental hygienist and we may also recommend more frequent check-ups.

If you have good oral hygiene, but you’re prone to temporary bouts of bad breath, we may advise you to keep a food dairy. You may find that you react badly to some foods. Foods that commonly result in bad breath include spicy foods, garlic, onions and coffee.

If you need any advice about bad breath or you’re worried that bad breath is holding you back, call us today! We can fix the problem and have you smiling again in no time.