Smiling again with Porcelain Veneers in Harlow

One of the procedures that has been used over and over again in cosmetic dentistry is the porcelain veneer because of its versatility and beauty, and if your teeth are suffering a little in Harlow from cracks and gaps, or even receding gums, then this is most definitely the treatment you need to get your confidence back on-line and look amazing again. It’s incredible what good looking teeth can do for the soul and porcelain in the mouth is the way of doing that. Veneers are wafer thin, but once bonded to another surface, their strength multiplies radically making them durable for a good 15 years. Preparation is painless and easy. The dentist will first shave away the existing enamel on the teeth and then take a mould of your teeth to send away for manufacture and in the meantime, you will be fitted with a temporary veneer until yours are ready. When they return, the temporary is replaced by the real thing- being cemented into place. The reason veneers are so popular is the affect they have on the wearer when they see them for the first time; all that wear and tear has been replaced by a beautiful full-length veneer that gives perfection to the smile. Choose this treatment and you won’t stop smiling! Call 01245 268 494 for a free consultation at Advance Dental Clinic in Chelmsford.