Why Brentwood needs its Mouth-guards

Brentwood is one of those typical English towns where people love to play sport, especially if you’ve spent 40 gruelling plus hours working your socks off: sport can be a rewarding way of venting your spleen and letting off steam. Of course though, if you love to get stuck-in and get physical, there is an element of danger attached to this if you don’t protect yourself properly and one of the most vulnerable areas of your body is your mouth and jaws: you have to remember that your jaws are held together by to tiny joints and muscle tissue. Getting a decent mouth-guard is imperative to reduce the risk of injury to your jaws and of course your teeth and gums. Your dentist will be only to pleased to help be part of the decision making when it comes to find a tailor made guard to cater for the sport that you do: dentists hate patching up sport related injuries when ‘they told you so’ from the start. Each guard is different in relation to what game you play and each reacts to impacts differently. If you are feeling unsure about which way to go with this, in the area are Advance Dental who can give you expert and invaluable advice on how to go about getting the guard you need. Call 01245 268 494 for a free consultation at Advance Dental Clinic in Chelmsford.