How Invisalign provide Wireless Teeth Straightening For a Wireless World

Have you ever dreamt of having a perfectly straight smile without the hassle of dealing with brackets and wires? If so, we have the perfect orthodontic treatment for you. With Invisalign, we can straighten your teeth without a wire in sight.

About Invisalign

Invisalign is an invisible brace system, which uses removable, transparent aligners to reposition the teeth. The aligners are made from high-grade plastic, and they are streamlined and sleek. They look similar to mouth guards that are worn for sport, and they slide over the teeth effortlessly. There are no metal parts, no brackets and no wires, and the best thing is that your braces will be virtually undetectable when you smile.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is different to most other orthodontic systems because it uses a series of aligners, rather than a single brace. Each patient is provided with a set of bespoke aligners, which are all slightly different. Treatment is planned in advance using advanced software, and the braces generate forces, which guide the teeth into position. Each aligner remains in place for 2 weeks and then you swap the brace with the next appliance in the series. Invisalign braces are removable, but ideally, they should be worn for around 22 hours per day to get the best results.

Is Invisalign suitable for me?

Invisalign is suitable for most patients who have either mild or moderate orthodontic issues, and it’s a really popular option for those hoping to undergo secret treatment. If you have crowded or crooked teeth or you have gaps between your teeth, this could be an excellent option for you. If you’d like to see if you’re a good match for Invisalign, we recommend booking a consultation. We can talk you through the pros and cons, give you more information about the treatment process and have a good look at your teeth to see if this could be a viable option for you. Call us now or pop in and see us!