Five Reasons Why it is Important to Floss This Summer

Many of us know all about the benefits of brushing, but have you given much thought to flossing? If you’re eager to keep your smile in check this summer, here are 5 good reasons to start flossing now:

  1. Removing food debris: it’s very common to get food stuck between your teeth, and often, it’s hard to remove debris with a brush. This is where flossing comes in handy. If you floss, you can dislodge bits of food, which prevents plaque formation and helps to reduce the risk of bad breath.
  2. Removing bacteria: bacteria gather in the mouth all the time. Some strains of bacteria can be very harmful, but others are good for your health. Brushing and flossing help to remove dangerous bacteria before they can combine with saliva and food particles to form plaque.
  3. Reducing the risk of decay: decay is one of the most common preventable illnesses is caused by bacteria, which weaken and penetrate the enamel surface of the tooth, causing holes to form. Flossing is an effective cleaning technique, which helps to lower the risk of decay by preventing the development of plaque. Plaque is the most common cause of both decay and gum disease.
  4. Keeping your smile looking beautiful: most of us want to enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for as long as possible. Flossing can help to prevent decay and gum disease, but it can also reduce the risk of discolouration and keep your smile looking great.
  5. Preventing bad breath: bad breath can be an embarrassing issue. In many cases, bad breath is linked to bacteria that collect in the mouth. When they feed, they release gases, which have a pungent smell. Flossing helps to clean the mouth and remove bacteria, lowering the risk of halitosis.