Dental Bridges over Harlow

Biting back at tooth-loss isn’t as hard as you may think, though it will take you a wee while to get over the initial shock of it all. However, you can’t leave your decision too long as it can affect the health of your mouth in the future: the teeth that remain are also in a state of shock, but as if in sympathy, they can start to move towards the gap; the hole is also a haven for bacteria, plus infection can spread throughout. Filling in the gap will re-address the balance of the mouth and stop any of these nasty things bringing extra torment to your mouth. Getting a dental bridge plugged in is a very reliable way of getting through tooth loss. There are quite a few options here, but probably the best option is to have the fitting cemented to surrounding teeth and then anchored with a dental implant, and this will give you around twenty years of service if you care for it and clean it properly. For more about bridges, call up Advance Dental Clinic in Chelmsford they work on Essex and they also serve the Harlow area.  Call 01245 268 494 for a free consultation at Advance Dental Clinic in Chelmsford.